Thame Local History
Do you live in a village near Thame?

Like most towns, Thame has a number of smaller villages scattered around it. Although this website concentrates mainly on the history of Thame itself, we cannot leave out the local villages from the history of Thame.

Several key figures in the history of Thame, for instance, have lived in the local villages, such as Lord Williams at Rycote.

Equally, whilst the Thame Historical Society Research Group's activities are confined in the main to Thame, and do not cover villages such as Tetsworth or Sydenham, we would very much like to work with anyone in the villages who is researching or wishing to publish local history information.

We would be happy to allocate space on this website to local history groups or individuals in the villages, or to link to their own websites.

If anyone wishes to talk to the Thame Historical Society Research Group about their own village and its history, whether with a view to working with us, or simply with a query or comment, please contact us via email here.


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  Local History Research Group
  Thame, Oxfordshire, England