Thame Local History
The Thame History Database

The Thame History Database is an ongoing project of Thame Historical Society Research Group.

The basic aim of the project is to bring together as far as possible the written records of the people of Thame in a single physical database, in order to enable research into the people and their lives.

The period covered by the Thame History Database, broadly speaking, is the late sixteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century.

Work continues on the database in Thame, although previous versions of it have been used in other contexts.

Seventeenth century data from the Thame History Database is being used by Oxford University's Continuing Education Department, as part of an internet based course in local history, one of the first two internet based courses ever to be offered by Oxford University.

A copy of the database was deposited in 1999 at the ESRC History Data Archive at the University of Essex. Link.

A backgound paper was submitted to Essex University by Dr. Mary Hodges, who led the original local history course at Rewley House, Oxford, in which the Thame Historical Society Research Group had its origins. A copy of this paper is included here.

Anyone wishing to access the database can get more information by contacting or

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  Local History Research Group
  Thame, Oxfordshire, England